
¡¡¡Explora nuestra colección de viviendas!!! 635 807 029

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An appraisal is a valuation of a property or farm. This valuation can be used for the property or farm to be the object of guarantee in a mortgage loan, or simply so that the owner knows what the effective price of his property is, which will not be the market price, but the price for his possession may be useful guarantee in a mortgage loan and in any case know the minimum price for which to dispose of your property.

It is convenient for you as the owner to have it:
If you are the owner of a property in which there is a house, apartment, villa, duplex or any other construction, you do not have to have this valuation, This, in a mortgage loan, is paid by the buyer and, ultimately, by the mortgage bank. But if it may be that in certain cases you are interested have this valuation, marking in this way, the real value, not the market value, of your property.

How to do it:
We will put you in contact with our technical architects so that they can quote you this appraisal, without any commitment for his part and later make a visit to his farm and make the final report.

Name. (*)
Telf. (*)
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